the National Day holiday.|长假首日恒晖艺术农业景区迎来游客小高峰
Today is the first day of the National Day holiday.
4A Tourist attractions | Jiangxi Ever Bright Agricultural Science and Technology Ltd.
4A Tourist attractions
Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, Huiyang delegation to Jiangxi Ever Bright Agricultural Science and Technology Ltd.investigation of modern agriculture and pastoral complex construction
From December 14 to December 15, 2017, Chen Dangsheng, deputy mayor of Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdo
International Exchange | Department of Agriculture Foreign aid trainees to JangXi Ever Bright Large Agricultural tour
International Exchange
Chen Jiwei, head of the people's Government of New District of Jiangxi, Nanchang, came to visit our company
Lighting show -- rose Garden agriculture Rose Art Park
Lighting show
Grand opening
Grand opening
marabu 與經銷商遊覽東莞鳳崗博物館
Marabu瑪萊寶 與 恒暉組織經銷培訓
Guangdong and HK Business Enterprise Investment Investigation group visiting Jiangxi Ever Bright Agricultural Science and Technology Ltd.
The government officers visit our company
Industrialist Person of the Year 2012-2014